Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Paul Revere: The Midnight Ride

in spring 1755, Paul Revere was a well known messenger, durring this time he stayed in the city to keep an eye out for the Brittish. On April 16th he became aware that the Brittish where, making their way to Boston MA. So Revere went to Concord to warn the residents that they were coming and on their way. The Old North Church was the place where they placed the lantern for the famous saying, "One if by land; Two if by sea.". Paul pushed onward to Lexington, to warn Handcock and Adams of the Red Coats. Barely excaping sudden capture, he made it to them. Warning them, he was headed back to Concord. After hiding from some Red Coats, Paul made it a good distence before being thrown by his horse, and later captured. but then got released.

1 comment:

  1. Good job so far with the information on Revere. Make sure you also research the artist. Mr. A
