Friday, December 16, 2011

The Old North Church

"Old North Church located in the North End of Boston, is the location from which the famous "One if by land, and two if by sea" signal is said to have been sent. This phrase is related to Paul Revere's midnight ride, of April 18, 1775, which preceded the Battles of Lexington and Concord during the American Revolution."  ( )

The Old North Church is the oldest active church building in Boston and is a National Historic landmark. it was built in 1723 by William Price.

Monday, December 12, 2011

John Singleton Copley

John Singleton Copley, painted the portrait of Paul Revere, that is posted to the right of this blong. he was born in 1738 in Boston Massachusetts, his artwork simbolizes strength, and independence. this painting hangs in the Art of America Wing in the Boston Museum of Fine Art. you can go to for more information about this painting and John Singleton Copley. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Paul Revere: The Midnight Ride

in spring 1755, Paul Revere was a well known messenger, durring this time he stayed in the city to keep an eye out for the Brittish. On April 16th he became aware that the Brittish where, making their way to Boston MA. So Revere went to Concord to warn the residents that they were coming and on their way. The Old North Church was the place where they placed the lantern for the famous saying, "One if by land; Two if by sea.". Paul pushed onward to Lexington, to warn Handcock and Adams of the Red Coats. Barely excaping sudden capture, he made it to them. Warning them, he was headed back to Concord. After hiding from some Red Coats, Paul made it a good distence before being thrown by his horse, and later captured. but then got released.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Paul Revere

Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1734. His father was French born Apollos Rivoire, later marring Deborah Hitchborn, and changing his name to Paul Revere. Paul Revere's son Paul Revere, was the third out of twelve children, and later the oldest of them all. Just at the age of thirteen Paul Revere became an apprentice to his father, as a siversmith.

you might recall hearing about Paul Revere from the American Revolution. on the night of April 18, 1775 Revere was told to warn the leaders in Lexington that the Red Coats were coming. On the way Paul warned many Patriots. You might have heard of the saying "One if by land, two if by sea." this means, one lantern in the church would mean the Red Coats would take the land, and two would mean they would take the sea route.

and his famous line,
"the Brittish are coming!! the Brittish are coming!"